I was up at the crack of dawn this morning; okay, not the crack... but pretty early. I had class until midday, lunch with my friends and then I worked on my dissertation in the Learning Cafe for five hours. Basically, my point is that I've been doing stuff all day; working, writing and what not.
All I wanted to do was come home and watch some TV. Now, I don't have a television, so I reside only on Netflix and what I can find online.
I have previously watched whole series; Grey's Anatomy, Rookie Blue, La Ink, CSI, Covert Affairs... The list goes on. But recently Virgin Media, being the stand up company they are, have blocked all the 'illegal television and movie' websites online from which I could stream these shows. As much as I know it's a good thing, Virgin cracking down on illegal happenings online and stuff, but it's left me short on things to watch.
Whilst Netflix is a great methadone, it doesn't have the same attraction- it doesn't have the shows I actually want to watch. Until Netflix gets Greys Anatomy, Private Practise and FRIENDS, I just won't be happy...