Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Dangerous Days of Being a Writer

Today I got a glimpse of what it might be like to be a real life writer. I got up when my boyfriend went to his "proper-job" at nine, I showered and I got myself dressed all with the intention of having a productive day.
The morning was productive to be honest. I wrote my Mis En Place for the day - something I've picked up from my chef-boyfriend - it's basically a list of everything I've got to do today. For a chef it might be a list of preparation and various chopping to do whereas my MEP list includes things like going to the bank, checking my hours at work, returning things to various stores etc.
Anyways, with the intention of going into town and doing all of my things I walked into town around 2ish because I intended to go to Starbucks for their 3pm-5pm Happy Hour to sample my new favourite; the triple caramel frappucino. However, the Winchester store is closed for rehab until July. This made me incredibly sad.

Coffee-less, I completed all my errands and I got the bus home.
Monster in hand, due to my lack of coffee, I decided to watch one or two episodes of Grey's to inspire me and calm me at the same time. This is where the productiveness stops. I watched three episodes and promptly fell asleep.
Now, I'm four hours later and still watching Grey's. Now my housemates are home, and I've still done nothing. It's not that I lack motivation - I'm motivated, but I'm motivated to do everything the hard part is deciding what to do first.
My dissertation.
My journal.
My poetry work.
My blog.
My innocent earnings for more twitter followers.

Either way, and for no apparent reason, I have done nothing today and I am feeling far too over emotional to talk about it anymore. Maybe it's days like this when I realize I shouldn't be a writer because I would do nothing and have no money and die.


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