Wednesday 11 February 2015

Lush: Skincare Secrets

In the world of blogging and vlogging and hauling along with not only high street hauls but also high end hauls and drug store hauls it’s time to go back to basics. 

As wonderful as I’m sure Liz Earle and Sunday Riley are with their Micellar Water, Hot Cloth Cleansers and various Face Polishes (?) I prefer the basics; basic packaging, basic ingredients with the best results. 

It’s very easy to get lost in all the science talk of collagen this and plumping, rejuvenating, hydrating that but at the end of the day, I find that products that promise too much let me down a lot because they’re too focussed on trying to do everything, they can’t achieve the one thing they’re really meant to. 

In the morning and evening, I clean my face (the best way I know how) with Lush products.
First things first, the make-up comes off. 

Ultrabland Facial Cleanser:
Described as “beautifully simple and very effective” the cream to oil cleanser works wonders for me. This kind of formula is really popular at the moment but Lush sometimes gets overlooked for skincare because of all of the exciting bath products.
Almond oil, rose water, beeswax and honey” make this product one of the simplest yet also the most highly effective on my skin. Sadly, the beeswax and honey mean it’s a no-go for you Vegans out there. Ultrabland removes dirt without “stripping away the skins natural defences” because almond oil is used as a ‘carrier’; it mimics the skins natural oil; sebum. This makes it easier for the skin to absorb the soothing rose water and moisturising honey.
Although I was initially wary of rubbing oils into my skin, I have never regretted using this cleanser. Because of the skin-clearing, moisture balancing effects of Ultrabland it feels like a high-end cleanser, without the high-end price tag. 

Eau Roma Toner Water:
After the cleansing comes the toning and I’ve chosen Lush’s light and floral toning water for the task. “Rose water to help soothe redness whilst lavender water will balance the skin” and it does exactly what it says on the recycled black plastic bottle. This toner hydrates the skin effectively, whilst soothing at the same time and clears the skin of any leftover traces of cleanser.
Because I have major frustration with any breakouts on my face, I struggle to find the right cleansing routine. Previously, I have over used products that have been too harsh, such as The Body Shop’s Tea Tree Toner because I thought my skin was bad enough to need it; the standard over emotional, over dramatic reaction. The Tea Tree toner from The Body Shop was too strong for me which meant my skin cleared initially and then proceeded to break out far worse than it had before – my mistake.
Eau Roma is gentle enough to look after my skin, whilst the ingredients are effective enough to get the job done. 

Grease Lightening:
After all my make-up has been removed, I like to apply a little Grease Lightening to any breakouts or problem areas. “Nip any breakouts in the bud without upsetting the skin around the area” which, again, is exactly what it does. One thing that I really love about Lush (among many) is that they don’t make any over compensating promises. Their ingredients do the work for them because they are effective; that’s all that matters. This spot treatment is antibacterial and antiseptic with ingredients like rosemary, thyme and tea tree as well as being rich in antioxidants from grape juice and witch hazel (which is also an anti-inflammatory and astringent).
It’s light enough to be applied in your morning cleansing routine, during the day if needed, and at night post-cleanse.
I don’t like products that claim to be the be-all and end-all when it comes to clearing breakouts but I’ve never felt better in my skin than now that I have a stable routine in place. 

With one whole lemon in each pot (fact, not scientific jargon to confuse you) this facial cream smells lemony fresh without smelling like bleach which some beauty products somehow manage.  Fresh fruit contains enzymes and “alphahydroxy acids to remove dead skin cells” and brighten complexion which is definitely apparent when using Enzymion; one of my biggest moans about my skin, especially in winter, is that I feel like my skin is very dull and almost translucent. Enzymions zesty ingredients brighten my skin and make me feel happier to go about my day. It sinks in really, really well and doesn’t feel heavy on my skin. I tend to have quite an oily T-zone, but the mattifying properties in Enzymion work wonders and I feel just that much more confident. Usually winter calls for a more heavy duty moisturiser but my skin doesn’t call for it. I can imagine that most people would find Enzymion most useful during the summer months.
I don’t tend to heap the cream on, either, a little goes a long way with this cream which makes it even better value for money.
It comes in a standard Lush ‘black pot’ and counts for your ‘5 black pots’ free face mask which is always a winner!

(For those who don’t know – if you bring back 5 CLEAN black pots to your local Lush, you can choose a free fresh face mask to say thank you for recycling!)
It may sound materialistic and vain to go on and on about skincare and how it makes me feel, but for most people the first thing you see in the morning is yourself in the mirror. If you can’t find any good points in the reflection, then it doesn’t start the day as well as it could. It’s nicer to wake up to clearer skin. Clearer skin = happier days.

Overall, taking into consideration the balance of effectiveness with money spent the best product will usually always come out as a Lush product. You can find all the information about the products above by clicking on the links above, or on the Lush website. Also, anything in those sexy little italics, is direct from Lush. 

Here's an article from Lush that you might find interesting too, it's all about their definitive guide to cleansing! I can also give a thumbs up to products mentioned here, especially Mask of Mag, Oatifix and Angels on Bare Skin.

All of the Lush online channels are listed here;
Lush UK Online

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