#UDThroughTheLookingGlass #UDInWonderland
After the success of the first Disney & Urban Decay collaboration, it only seemed appropriate that for the release of the new Alice Through The Looking Glass movie, the two fell down the rabbit hole again and hand-in-hand created a brand new, limited edition palette. Packed full of twenty beautiful shades, the palette is a Tim Burton tribute to four of the characters from the new movie (Alice, Mad Hatter, Mirana, Iracebeth and Time) organised in columns to fully immerse yourself into a character - or, pick and choose your own combination. After all, “we’re all mad here…”
The ‘Alice’ collection of four colours consists of three very wearable colours; light pink matte ‘Looking Glass’ to the slightly deeper shimmer brown of ‘Dormouse’ and one of my favourites ‘Reflection’ which is a warmer pink than ‘Looking Glass’ and also matte. The wildcard for the ‘Alice’ collection is the perfect blue of “Metamorphasis” - think Alice’s dress, but a slightly darker blue flecked with green and blue iridescent shimmer. So unbelievably pretty - I’m determined to find a way to pull this shade off and climb out of my comfort zone.
“I know who I was when I got up this morning, but i must have changed several times since then…”

Speaking of the comfort zone, the four colours for the ‘Mad Hatter’ collection are the ones that I’ll find the most challenging to wear - although this is definitely a challenge I’m looking forward to.
‘Hatter’ is a pure, summer-grass Green - very reminiscent of Johnny Depp’s coloured contacts as The Mad Hatter in the movie. Of course, all of the ‘Mad Hatter’ shades are shimmery - it just wouldn’t be right other wise. ‘Gone Mad’ is a deep purple shadow with very light flecks of almost red and pink shimmer. ‘Paradox’ is the only shade I’ve worn and felt completely comfortable in out of this four-colour collection and is a warm, peachy pink shimmer that looks almost orange on the skin. Very pretty, and perfect for a sweep along the bottom lash line for added effect. ‘Cake’ is the last shade from ‘Mad Hatter’ and is almost Barbie fuchsia pink that will take a little encouragement for me to wear.
Calling Lucy, and any other make-up artist friends I have, please can we find a time to sit down so you can show me the best way to use some of these amazing shadows?
“I’m not strange, weird, off, nor crazy. My reality is just different from yours…”
‘Mirana’ features my most worn colours as they’re so easy for every day wear and not too far from that previously mentioned comfort zone. ‘Lily’ is an absolutely gorgeous opalescent shimmery colour with almost pink-lilac tones to it - I’ve been using this one in the corners of my eyes but this shade would also make an amazing highlight! ‘Duchess’ is a warm peach tone with a light shimmer to it; really lovely and similar to ‘Reflection’ from ‘Alice’ - slightly warmer in peachiness. ‘Kingdom’ is an amazing colour and is a perfect bronze. ‘Chessboard’ is probably my most used out of the whole palette so far, a nice warm brown; perfect for the crease or a nice dramatic sweep under the lower lash line.
‘Iracebeth’ is quite similar to ‘Mad Hatter’ in terms of colour choices and features some of the best named colours. ‘Heads Will Roll’ - which I can’t say without hearing The Yeah Yeah Yeah’s in my head, is a wonderful turquoise with a light shimmer to it, ‘Bandersnatch’ - told you these names were good, is a much deeper blue than ‘Alice’s ‘Metamorphasis’ but beautiful none the less. ‘Salazen Grum’ is the shade that my eyes were first drawn to when I opened the palette - my brain said “Yes, that is the shade I want to figure out how to wear!” which is a dusky rose - red wine sort of shimmer colour. ‘Royal Flush’ is actually one of my absolute favourites from the palette so far; very light pink and similar to ‘Lily’ but this shade has a much more baby-pink toned shimmer to it, making ‘Lily’ the better shade for highlighting, but ‘Royal Flush’ perfect otherwise.
Lastly, we have the ‘Time’ collection; definitely the part of the palette that features the darkest colours - make of that what you will. The shade ‘Time’ itself is a beautiful dark blue shade that makes me want to swim in it, with a light shimmer of pink and blue to it. ‘Dream On’ is a heavy-shimmer shade which actually has very light colour payoff which works as there are many other shades that have the darkness you might be looking for. A gunmetal shimmer. What more could a girl want? ‘Chronosphere’ is a lovely dark brown with dark brown shimmer running through, and then last but by no means least is ‘Mirror’ the shade to pair with ‘Dream On’ for all your gunmetal shimmery needs. The shimmer is much lighter in ‘Mirror’ but the colour pigmentation is heavier and it almost has a mauve-lilac tint to it’s predominant gunmetal shade.

“Didn’t they tell us, don’t rush into things? Didn't you flash your green eyes at me? Didn’t you calm my fears with a Cheshire cat smile? Didn’t it all seem new and exciting, I felt your arms twisting around me - it’s all fun and games till someone loses their mind…”
As if we needed confirmation that the colours were beautiful; how could they not be when they’re wrapped up inside such amazing packaging? The palette is quite heavy in your hand, which I love, as it feels special and important and so far from the make up that you don't mind rolling around at the bottom of your bag. This palette is my first Urban Decay palette and I couldn’t be happier with it - the brush is great, one end with a shorter bristle and the other end featuring quite long, tapered bristles which are almost paintbrush like. It really completes the image of opening up a box of magic and creating something special and daydreamy on your face. It's almost a right-of-passage feeling, when a girl like me gets their first 'real' make up palette - I'm so glad it was this one.
My favourite combination of colours at the moment, is; ‘Chessboard’, ‘Reflection’, ‘Royal Flush’ and ‘Duchess’.
So much time and effort has clearly gone into the design and presentation of this palette - it’s everything an Alice in Wonderland companion should be; heavily detailed, magical and inspiring.
Thank you so much Sam & Lucy for the gift; you shouldn’t have (but I’m glad you did).
Alice Through The Looking Glass came out in the UK in early May, so if it’s still around go take a peek. It features Alice, as we know and love, but now returned from her sailing of the seas far and wide - she finds a looking glass and slips back into Underland where the Mad Hatter is seeming madder than usual…
"And in the end, in Wonderland we both went mad..."