Saturday, 8 December 2012

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor, Rich Man, Poor Man, Bar Tender, Chef.

Someone who I trust told me yesterday that it's hard to keep friendships and relationships alive when your friends work in the same industry as you.
Does that mean it's not worth it? NO. NO. NO.

If anything these people will understand you more, making it easier to be friends; you understand how the job works, what the hours are like, how you feel at the end of the day, what you're expected to do.
Who is going to understand that a chef doesn't finish work until 11pm at night better, than a bar tender who sometimes doesn't get home till 3am? It's the tricks of the trade, I'm afraid - but having someone that understands; that makes it worth it.

If I had to go home every night to a paper-pusher who worked 9-5, 5 days a week , it could never work.   I'd be tired, they wouldn't get it. And when they would want to go out, I'd be working.

Just a little thought really, that maybe it isn't that hard to keep friendships and relationships with those who work in the same industry as you. You just have to allow for certain things, and take advantage of the time off you have together - it may be sparing.
Still, I think having people around in general who understand you is better than having people around you who appreciate, but who don't get you.

Maybe that's just the way I feel. Maybe it's just me.
Lex. xxx

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