So, I am a nice normal, incredibly plain girl. However, I am indulging in piercing lately. I've had my two regular lobe piercings for forever, then around August, I got my second lobe piercings done. (Note to anyone who get's pierced by Claire's accessories. Always make sure the manager does it, or someone who at least looks like they know what they're doing. My second holes are a little wonky - you can't tell unless I mention it first, but as soon as you realise that they don't match exactly, you'll always know.)
So then in September, I moved in with my housemates in Winchester, to study Creative Writing and American Studies; that's when I got two cartilage piercings. One in my upper ear rim, and the other slightly lower down on the other ear.
A few weeks into November, I then went back down to Asgard, with my friend Beth, and we both got out navels pierced. I use the word navel, just because I think the word belly sounds ugly. :)
But now, I'm about to move back to Winchester for my second semester, and Asgard (the piercer I go to in Winchester, who is amazing BTW, check them out on facebook.) keep updating their facebook page, about offers and what not, and it makes me want to take a walk down there on my day off and get some more metal in my body. Okay, I can't pull that sentence off, because I am possibly the whitest girl in Winchester, but...still.
I'm looking into getting either a tongue piercing or a nose piercing. I kinda want both. :) But, it's going to be pricey to keep up with all my piercings and I don't know whether my student account can take it. It can barely take my Starbucks addiction, I don’t know whether I would be making a good decision to introduce another expensive habit.
I'm looking at a bunch of pictures, and they all look pretty cool. I mean, I wouldn't want like a huge chain hanging off my nose or anything, but I think a little, cute stud might be okay. No?
The cartilage in your nose feels technically thicker than the cartilage in my upper ear (obviously, doh.) but does that mean it’ll hurt more? There’s less chance of catching it while you sleep. Unless, you sleep face down. But who actually does that?
Then of course there’s the tongue. My brother had his done, back in the middle ages or whenever, and he needed £3,000 worth of dental work to fix his teeth, after the metal barbell started to grate away his two front teeth. How he managed it, I wouldn’t want to imagine. I’ve always had this phobia about losing one of my front teeth, and it worries me that if I ever spoke too fast, or stuck my tongue out too fast (something ridiculous like that) that I would just chip one of my teeth with the metal barbell. If anyone can give me any advice to calm this worry, I would be mucho grateful. J
Anyways, I’m off to potter around the house, possibly eat something and maybe even do something productive.
Till next time.
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