Thursday 17 April 2014

I don't have Anger Issues, I have Honesty Issues - plus I work in a bar.

Good afternoon and welcome. I'm being far more dedicated to this blog than I ever thought I would. Win Win. Although, this weekend I WILL NOT be blogging, as from Friday evening till Sunday night, I will be working thirty one hours. Over two and a third days. Bullshit and bollocks...

What was the point of this post again...?

Oh yes, the difference between an angry barmaid and an honest, frustrated barmaid. Just so we're all aware, I'm very rarely rude to customers. I will occasionally snap at them but only if they truly deserve it. 

"Pint of Peroni and a smile, darlin'" - You wish, mate. Stop being such a sleaze and stop drinking before noon. "I'll have whatever nuts you have and a tenner from the till..." Dickhead. Order your drink, make polite small talk and walk away. It's all I really ask for. 

I very rarely articulate my hatred for asshole customers to them, but I do rant like something crazy in my head. They just get me so frustrated. One of my biggest pet peeves, is a customer coming all the way to the pub, opening the door, walking up to the bar and saying " know I don't know what I want. I hadn't even thought about it." That's because you're a pain in my ass. I'm not saying detail your order when you're having breakfast in the morning, but at least have an idea of the general direction you're going in. You already know if you're going to have beer or wine, or wine or spirits, or soft drinks. Help me out a little, buddy. I know this one bugs other people too, not just me, so I don't feel quite as bad moaning about it. 

I'm a very honest person. I think. My boyfriend says I'm occasionally too honest - not in the sense that I'd tell someone they looked terrible in their jeans, but I'd say I prefer them in their other pair. I think honesty is a good quality to have as a person, especially in work environment where you have to work SO closely with your team of people. Being honest is easy; no games, no lies just straight up and simple. Same goes with relationships. Make things easier for yourself. Don't play games.
I like you. Let's hang out. I don't like you like that. Okay, cool. 

Anyways, just a short splurge for now but I have to go and pick up my wages because one of the bars that I currently work in (last day on sunday) only pays in cash, for some unknown reason. So every thursday, I have to go into town just to pick up my wages from the boss between 1-4pm. Except he's very rarely there. It's one day that he needs to stay in the office for a four hour period. Shouldn't be that tricky but apparently it is as he has to go for his lunch break (?!) and gallivant around town. 

#MoaningMyrtle - Sorry.

Til next time, stay safe. 


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